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£200 Council Tax cut for every pensioner household in the North East

Nanette Milne, 03/03/2011

Nanette Milne, Conservative MSP for the North East has welcomed the Scottish Conservatives pledged to deliver a £200 Council Tax cut for every pensioner household in the North East.

Annabel Goldie, Leader of the Scottish Conservatives said:

“The Scottish Conservatives have delivered real help to millions but there is one group of people for whom I think extra help is justified. People who have worked hard, paid their taxes, raised children, given to society and for whom low interest rates are not a comfort, but a worrying constraint on their income. Who are they? - Our elderly.

“Scottish Conservatives will fight this election with a pledge to stand up for Scotland’s pensioners and to battle to deliver to them not just a freeze in their Council Tax, but a cut. Yes, a cut. A £200 cut - for every pensioner household. And not just for one year, but every year.”

Nanette Milne, Conservative MSP for the North East said:

“This policy will be welcome news to pensioners across the North East.

“Under our proposals every pensioner household in the North East would receive a £200 annual council tax cut on top of the council tax freeze which Scottish Conservatives have already delivered.”

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