Milne: Action needed on Aberdeenshire roads
Nanette Milne, 23/02/2011
Nanette Milne, Conservative MSP for the North East has backed an Audit Scotland report published this week which calls on the Scottish Government to consider a national review of how Scotland's road network is managed and maintained. The Audit Scotland report, Maintaining Scotland’s Roads, found that 6.3% of the road network in Aberdeenshire and 8.9% of road network in Aberdeen City were in need of urgent repair.
Nanette Milne, Conservative MSP for the North East said:
“In this report, Audit Scotland has confirmed what every driver in Aberdeenshire already knew: that we have some of the worst maintained roads in Europe. I am regularly contacted by constituents whose cars have been damaged by poorly maintained and frankly in some cases, downright dangerous, roads.
“We didn’t need this report to affirm this basic truth, but perhaps this report will wake up the Scottish Government. Yes the severe weather we have just experienced has exacerbated the problem, but the problem was already there: it is the result of chronic underinvestment in Scotland’s road network under both the SNP and Labour.
“I know that Aberdeenshire Council have been doing their best to repair the damage caused by the recent bad weather. However, it is clear that the national road network needs urgent attention, and we must be willing to consider radical solutions.”