Tory pressure gets green light for Inveramsay bridge upgrade
Nanette Milne, 10/02/2011
Nanette Milne, Conservative MSP for the North East has welcomed the news that tenders for the design work to upgrade the notorious Inveramsay Bridge on the A96 has been given the green light.
Nanette Milne, Conservative MSP for the North East said:
“I very much welcome the news that the Transport Minister has listened to my plea for action to be taken to address the notorious Inveramsay Bridge and for investment to upgrade the A96 and that the green light has been given to seek tenders for design work to upgrade the Inveramsay bridge on the A96.
“It is welcome news that the go-ahead has been given for this work and I hope that the final option will provide for a section of dual carriageway to provide for overtaking opportunities for motorists.
“I have a meeting with the Transport Minister in the coming weeks to discuss issues relating to the A96 and A93 and hope that I will be able to take forward further issues in a positive way for residents across West Aberdeenshire. I will also be seeking a timescale for when local motorists can expect work to commence.
“In the last Scottish Parliament the Liberal Democrat – Labour Scottish Government scrapped plans to upgrade the A96 and as the preferred design solution will not be announced before the Holyrood election I will be seeking a guarantee that this hard won investment is not scrapped by the Liberal Democrats in the future.”