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Milne calls for snow gate webcams for A93

Nanette Milne, 13/01/2011

Nanette Milne, Conservative MSP for the North East and Braemar resident has written to Transport Scotland, Aberdeenshire Council and the Cairngorms National Park Authority to seek approval for a new traffic webcam to be installed on the A93 at the Braemar snow gate. Nanette Milne MSP has been contacted by residents and skiers who are frustrated that there currently is limited information about the A93 on the Traffic Scotland website.

Nanette Milne, Conservative MSP for the North East said:

“I know that many people have tried use the Traffic Scotland website to keep an eye on real time conditions on Scotland’s roads. However, it was frustrating that there are no cameras on the A93 at the Braemar snow gate, which has meant that there was no webcam traffic information available for those planning a trip to local ski centres.

“I have today contacted Transport Scotland, Aberdeenshire Council and the Cairngorms National Park Authority asking them to collectively consider installing a camera at the Braemar snow gate.

“It is vital that drivers are able to make an informed decision as to whether or not it is safe for them to drive. A new webcam will allow drivers travelling to the area to see local conditions before they set out and ultimately help support the ski industry.”

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