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Milne expresses concern for future of North East Ski Centres

Nanette Milne, 13/01/2011

North East Ski Centres has become Scotland’s premier national centre for nordic skiing and is a vital asset in the development of the sport.

Dr Nanette Milne, Conservative MSP for the North East and Shadow Minister for Sport has written to SNP Sports Minister Shona Robison MSP to express her concern for the future of both North East Ski Centres at Huntly and Alford. The North East Conservative MSP has called on the SNP Sports Minister to look at what support the Scottish Government can give to secure the future running costs of the centres.

Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Councils continue to receive a lower level of funding per head of population than other areas receive from the SNP Scottish Government and are currently considering a proposal that would see £50 000 cut over two years from funding for the Huntly Nordic Ski Centre and Alford Ski Centre.

Dr Nanette Milne, Conservative MSP for the North East and Shadow Minister for Sport said:

“The Huntly Nordic Ski Centre has become Scotland’s premier national centre for nordic skiing and is a vital asset in the development of the sport.

“Both North East Ski Centres at Huntly and Alford provide a valuable asset to local people, encouraging the area’s children to take part in sport. The centre has also already produced some sporting stars for Scotland, this year alone there were 3 Olympic athletes who have gone on from skiing based at the Centre, to the very top level of the sport.”

“Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Councils continue to receive a lower level of funding per head of population than other Councils receive from the SNP Scottish Government - a situation which is severely impacting on Council budgets. I along with a my Conservative colleagues in the Scottish Parliament have been calling for a review of local government funding in Scotland to address this unfair situation.

“Having visited Huntly Nordic Ski Centre on several occasions I know at first hand the fantastic local facility which the centre offers to local people as well as the positive economic impact this is having in providing welcome visitors to the local economy as well as a national centre which is already producing the sporting stars of tomorrow.

“I have therefore today written to SNP Sports Minister Shona Robison MSP asking her to look at what support the Scottish Government can give to secure future running costs of the centres.”

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