Scottish Parliament - North East MSPs - Press Releases  
North East MSPs    



Author, 01/07/2004

"We've been presented with "Project Scotland", "Fresh Talent", "Smart Successful Scotland" and now today's latest offering - all of them representing government by gimmick, by soundbite by PR and by spin.

"None of them get to the heart of the problem - Scotland's economic disadvantages created by Labour north and south of the border.

"What people in the North East of Scotland want, what businesses in the North East want is for people, business and opportunities to come to Scotland. The North East has a huge community of people from all over the world attracted here through the Oil and Gas industry, we need to get more to come here. In order that this can happen and that these businesses can prosper and flourish we must take immediate action in cutting business rates, addressing soaring water charges, slashing red tape and regulation and investing in our transport infrastructure to give us at least a level playing field in the UK.

"The only way to ensure Scotland is attractive as a place to live and work is by getting out of the way of enterprise and creating world class health and education systems. That would do far more for our country than a million glossy brochures."

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