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Nanette Milne MSP, 24/02/2004

Nanette Milne, MSP for Northeast Scotland has urged local people to nominate ‘local heroes’ for a new national award. The Nationwide Awards for Voluntary Endevour recognise members of the local community who happily give up their time to help others. The awards, run by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations and the Nationwide Building Society are run regionally across the UK.

Mrs Milne comments: “Throughout Gordon and the Northeast, there are thousands of people who give up their time to help our local communities. They often work long hours under difficult conditions to support their chosen cause.

“Very few of these people expect recognition, but they certainly deserve it. The awards are designed to recognise those who have made an outstanding contribution to the local community. In particular, they are tailored to recognise those people whose efforts have added value to the causes they support, whether it’s raising funds for a charity or providing help and assistance to others.

“I encourage local people to nominate others they feel deserve to be recognised by requesting a nomination form from me, or by writing to the awarding body. Gordon and district have a great record of helping others. This award will go some way towards recognising that.”

Nationwide Awards for Voluntary Endeavour, Freepost, SCE7682, Swindon SN38 9BX

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